Reformer Pilates Classes

Reformer Pilates

Reformer All Levels

Pace: Moderate

Prerequisite: Good general health, Pregnant clients in trimester 1 welcome with GP clearance.

A slower paced session designed for anyone and everyone. This class is a full body workout where we focus on strengthening stabilising muscles through fluid movements, and correct form. This is a great class for clients looking to improve their core strength, coordination, posture, and flexibility.

50 Minutes | Maximum clients per class 7

Dynamic Reformer

Pace: Moderate-Fast

Prerequisite: Good general health, no injuries. Talk to an instructor if are new to this class to see if it is suitable

This class is for clients looking to work up a sweat from the moment they start their session. Our focus is on endurance by having a faster transition in-between exercises and correcting any muscle imbalance you may have. This class works your entire body to challenge your overall strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility.

50 Minutes | Maximum clients per class 7

Reformer Strength

Pace: Moderate

Prerequisite: Good general health, Pregnant clients in trimester 1 welcome with GP clearance.

If you like lots of springs, heavy dumbbells, and sequences designed to make you feel that deep muscle shaking burn. But don't like all the high flying balance stuff we do in Dynamic, then Strength might be the class for you. In these classes we push the edges of your strength a little bit further each time you come. This class works your entire body while challenging your strength and coordination.

50 Minutes | Maximum clients per class 7

Pre & Post Natal

Pace: Slow-Moderate

Prerequisite: Pregnant & post natal clients welcome with GP clearance.

This class is specifically to help you prepare pre-baby, or recover post-baby. We focus on strengthening your pelvic floor, improving your posture, strengthening your glutes to help with back pain, and overall toning. As baby grows you will need your strength and mobility to function without risk of injury. 

Postnatal clients: We recommend waiting at least 8 weeks postpartum before starting and we do require medical clearance before you begin. We know it’s hard to organise care for your little one so we encourage you to bring baby along in their capsules/strollers. 

Please note: Children over the age of 12 months are able to come to these classes. For health and safety reasons you are responsible for yourself and your child while you are in the studio. The instructors sole focus must be on the client and the exercises. You are able to take as many breaks as needed with your little one and the class will continue. We understand babies are unpredictable and so will everyone else in your class so don’t be afraid to come along!

40 Minutes | Maximum clients per class 7

Private | 1:1

Private sessions are tailored specifically to your needs. With a strong focus on correct technique these sessions are perfect for new starters, those who wish to have one on one sessions, or those who are pre or post natal.

For clients with injuries, please note we cannot diagnose an injury. We can however assist with your rehabilitation based on medical advice from your selected medical practitioner. Please email us for one on one bookings.

50 Minutes | 1:1

Semi-Private | 2:1

Semi-Private sessions are great for new starters or those who want to bring a friend and try it out.

Please email us for two on one bookings.

50 Minutes | 2:1